David Chelladurai was part of the team that translated the Book of Mormon into Tamil in the late 1990's. He told me that his father-in-law was having a hard time with the King James English of the Book of Mormon. After the work of translation was finished, it took the church five years to publish it. When he received his first copy (autographed by the Quorum of the Twelve) he thought of his father-in-law who had died waiting for it.
Even today, the Book of Mormon is available in only three of the 20+ Indian languages: Hindi, the official "national" language spoken in the north, Telegu (there are four branches of the church in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh), and Tamil ( 6 of the present 28 branches in India are in Tamil Nadu).
1 comment:
Respected and lovingly brother in Christ, Greets to you in Jesus name . I send my sincere salutations and gratitude to you through the king of king Jesus. I hope and pray that this letter will find you and yours good physical and growing ever stronger spiritually as you study the god s world . Since this is my first opportunity to get acquaintance with the children of our lord.
I talking liberty introduce myself my name is M. Pandu and 30 years old married with merry yet no children . I was born in Hindu family and Andhra Pradesh, but I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior and I came to Agra, north India as a evangelist and full time Gospel preacher. I dedicated my life to serve for Christ through out of my life at un reached areas.
Five friends and I dedicated our lives to serve for Christ until our deaths because most of people should not know about the “Gospel of Jesus Christ”.
We are working at Agra and Utter Pradesh state, north India.
Agra is in the state of Utter Pradesh, this is the largest populated state of India sending highest number of the representatives of the people to the “legislative” house [parliament] of the country. Most of the prime minister are elected from this state; here the famous Taj Mahal attracts millions of tourists every year from all over the World. This state has 13 million population, 630 cities and 8100 villages. It is the birthplace of the most of the gods of India. This state has many sacred rivers and temples, kasi Varanasi is considered as the second heaven people come and stay here in die……….. in many ways this has become a great center of this country and this state has the greatest number of the lowest class people and all are people are worshiping idols, all are pagans and gentles because we are doing service for Christ, please pray for us and god’s work here.
This is the persecuted area, people are ready to kill us sometimes 2nd jan 2007, we went a village, to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ but beated us and captured all of our things like bible, books and tracks.
We are happy to hear that you are so kind to encourage to the lord’s work in north India through your kind love with sacrifice.
heare at agra number of orphan children are begging in public placess thatswhy we plan to start an orphenage home for orphan children and slum children please pray for that request .we would like to work with you and your ministry.
So, kindly we are requesting to you and all of our friends in Christ, please pray for us and pray for God’s work here.
Always we need your prayer support to us to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Heartily welcome to you please visit us and share the word of god with north India, Agra people.
We hope to receive you and work with us at Agra.
Please send email to us.
Thanking you sir
Brother in Christ
Pandu maddala
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