Friday, August 7, 2009

The Chennai zone is capably led by Elder Manohar from Hyderabad, Andra Pradesh. In the course of his travels he has had to learn Telegu, Kanada, Tamil, Sinhala and in school Hindi and English. He has siezed opportunities for exposure to French and Spanish but doesn't claim competency in those. The embodiment of missionary enthusiasm, he has had to resist his mother tugging him to come home and be with the family. He would like after his mission to go to BYU-Hawaii and then get his MBA in the states.


Antonin Leenaud Harbet said...

Elder Manohar is from Bangalore 1st Branch

Life is good if you Make it said...

hope he is doing good,after mission. poor boy ,,,,,,,,

Antonin Leenaud Harbet said...

Hi Elder Dosdall, he is doing very good. Shall have him email you.